Study Hacks to Improve Memory

Studying plays an essential role in everyone's life, as education provides individuals with abundant knowledge and skills while increasing their confidence level. Memorization is very important in the learning of new concepts as well as in studying itself. If one cannot remember a concept, one has not truly learned it.

Here is a list of study hacks to heighten the memory of young minds, which can result in a noteworthy increase in any student’s grades:

Read Aloud and Rewrite

If you are studying for tomorrow’s exam and you need to memorise a few chapters, what do you think the best approach is? Well, for starters, several scientific studies have shown that reading aloud and rewriting information is a great way to remember it. This strategy involves not only your brain, but all five of your senses! They interact with each other, enabling you to remember for long periods of time.

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that uses a timer to break down work into intervals lasting from 25 to 40 minutes in length, each followed by a short 5 to 10 minute break. Each interval is known as a “pomodoro.” You would stop working when the timer rings and put a checkmark on a piece of paper. This technique aids in assimilation and reduces the impact of internal and external interruptions on your focus and flow.

Flow Chart, Diagram, Sample Papers

When it comes to learning and revision, rigorous practice is a must. Solving the same questions using different methods, solving sample papers, and creating mind maps, flow charts, and diagrams will help you to learn anything by heart.

Stay Away From Distractions

When traditional reading methods don’t work out for you, the internet is usually the only place you can resort to. However, in this digital age, tons of information comes hand in hand with tons of distractions. While you’re focusing on your studies, try to eliminate every possible distraction. If necessary, you can take a mental note of anything distracting you and return to it later, after you finish studying.

Engage in Physical and Mental Exercise

Several studies have shown that exercising regularly is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and improve concentration, motivation, memory, and mood. Physical activity immediately boosts the brain's dopamine - that aids your focus! Doing certain brain exercises like solving jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, and daily meditation also helps to boost your memory, concentration, and focus. In turn, daily tasks become quicker and easier to do, and your brain stays sharp as you get older.

Utilize Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are techniques used to help improve one’s ability to remember something. For example, VIBGYOR is a mnemonic device used to remember the colors of the rainbow in order: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Additionally, the phrase "Dear King Phillip Came Over For a Good Soup" is a mnemonic device that refers to Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, and Variety.

Eating Habits

Brain health can be improved through the increased intake of omega-3 fatty acids and DHA, obtained from adequate hydration, algae, and fatty fish like salmon, which may help you to memorize faster and remember longer. 

I hope that some of the hacks discussed are beneficial for you. Best of luck with your memorization!


  1. C.Tucker, ( Last updated on 2020, April 14) Does the Pomodoro Technique Work for Your Productivity? Retrieved on 2020, December,1 

  1. S.Lindberg (2019, August 7) Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, Ph.D., CRNP 13 Brain Exercises to Help Keep You Mentally Sharp Retrieved on 2020, December,1 

  1. Wikipedia ( Last edited 2020, November, 11 by D.C.Plunkett) List of mnemonics Retrieved on 2020, December,1


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